Importance of Cannabis in Ayurved

पञ्च राज्यानि वीरुधां सोमश्रेष्ठानि ब्रूमः।
दर्भो भङ्गो यवः सह ते नो मुञ्चन्त्व् अंहसः॥
“To the five kingdoms of the plants which Soma rules as Lord we speak.
Darbha, Hemp, Barley, mighty power: may these deliver us from woe.”
The word ‘भङ्ग’ (bhang) here refers to the cannabis plant.
Cannabis, known as bhaṅgā in Sanskrit has been mentioned in Atharva Veda as a sacred plant and it is said that a guardian angel resides in the leaves. It is reffered to as “joy giver” “source of happiness” and a “liberator”. The ayurvedic names of cannabis are “vijaya” – ‘the one who conquers’ and “siddhi” – ‘subtle power’.
Wonderful Cannabidiol

It was American chemist Roger Adams, who first isolated cannabidiol in the year 1940. CBD or cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis. While CBD is an essential component of Medical Cannabis, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, a cousin of cannabis, or manufactured in a laboratory. One of hundreds of components in cannabis, CBD does not cause a “high” by itself.


We invite you to join the BhangWale Community and help us work towards Medicalising of Cannabis in India.

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Medical Consultation Today
Additionally you require a prescription in order to make a purchase on our website for Vijaya Products. You have to buy the prescription only once for all your orders not only on but on any medical cannabis / Vijaya store in all of India. The Doctor will provide you with a prescription after your Medical Consultation
Please purchase prescription from the website.